08 July 2013

Live and learn. Earlier I wondered whether I could use a github repository as a place to publish a blog. Essentially my original plan was to use the plain repository view as a way to render ReST formatted pages. But it got a bit unwieldy very fast after that.

  • A blog needs a feed. A blog without a feed isn’t a blog, at least by my definition. So I thought about writing a short script to read the page titles from RST files and output an .atom and .rss formats (and wrote one).

  • You still need a “master” page for random visitors so they can see what you’ve written lately. Ok, not a biggie either.

  • And … !!!!

No! I’m not going that way, again. I’ve written static website and blog generators before and I know where this path would lead me to. There has to be a better way! Surely my idea of using github as a blogging platform, surely there must be programmers who also DRY.

Of course I had seen and heard about GitHub Pages but had somehow completely bypassed them earlier. Funny how you can ignore so completely something you sort of know. I guess if someone had come to me a month back and asked “You know about github pages?” I’d certainly answered “Yep, you can host static web sites and blogs there.” Somehow I just didn’t make the connection between what I was looking for and what’s available. C’est la vie.

Alas, github pages isn’t a complete solution to your blogging needs. It does come with Jekyll static site generator which will help a lot in creating a website by either automating a lot of the legwork or by providing ready-made abstractions for wrapping custom stuff in Liquid templates.

I took a look at some of the example Jekyll-generated sites. Some are very pretty, and I’m impressed by the fact that sites like Development Seed can be generated via Jekyll. (Or maybe I shouldn’t. HTML5 makes that very possible. Perhaps it is more impressive that the site has been made despite problems that Jekyll has probably created… there’s no perfect tool, and I would assume Development Seed’s creators have hit a few gotchas along the way.)

“But still”, I was thinking, “do I have to write all those templates just to get a working static blog generator?”

So, if you’re thinking about creating your blog on GitHub pages using Jekyll, here’s what I found out: Jekyll Bootstrap. Quickly, do this!

$ sudo gem install jekyll
$ git clone https://github.com/plusjade/jekyll-bootstrap.git USERNAME.github.io
$ cd USERNAME.github.io
$ rake post title="Hello World"
$ jekyll server -w

and then browse to http://localhost:4000. You’ll see an example post and the one you just created before (Hello World). You’ll find the sample post in _posts directory. Edit it. Reload the page in browser. You can already see results!

The next step is to push your cloned repository to your own account under github — you’ll need to 1) create the repository, 2) update repository url at your checked-out Jekyll bootstrap repository and 3) push.

$ git remote set-url origin git@github.com:USERNAME/USERNAME.github.io.git
$ git push origin master

Note that USERNAME really should be your own github username when you push. Earlier when cloning it was just a directory name, but in set-url it must match your github username. You won’t see your pages in github pages unless you push to <your username>.github.io repository.

By the way — Jekyll bootstrap uses USERNAME.github.com in its examples, yet GitHub Pages keeps talking about USERNAME.github.io (com vs. io). Apparently there was a renaming operation moving user and project pages from github.com to github.io in April 2013. I tested that both schemes (e.g. USERNAME.github.io and USERNAME.github.com repository names) work, but accesses to the USERNAME.github.com URL will redirect you to github.io address. Note that Jekyll bootstrap instructions are likely to be updated at some point in time, so this note about the inconsistency might be obsolete by the time you read this.

After you’re done pushing, wait a while and navigate to http://USERNAME.github.io/.

P.S. You can take a look at the repository for this blog.

P.P.S. If you want to keep your blog’s version history clean from Jekyll Bootstrap’s commit history, do cd USERNAME.github.io; rm -rf .git; git init; git add ., commit changes with git commit -m 'Historyless clone from Jekyll Bootstrap.' update origin with git remote add origin git@github.com:USERNAME/USERNAME.github.io.git and do git push -u origin master. Just don’t do this if you ever wish to merge updates from the original jekyll-bootstrap repository.

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