Docker and evolution
Previously I started playing the futurician, a path I’m now continuing against all good advice. I’ve always envied “visionaries” at companies as they get to play around without any kind of responsibility (they will have long since flocked elsewhere when their predictions can be checked). Similarly I am planning to make bold predictions of a future so far away that a claim of flying pigs would have equal credibility.
State of the art
Unless you’ve lived under a rock, you must have heard of Docker (and its take by AWS, Google and Azure), a kind of applications-on-(almost-)virtual-machines containerization mechanism.
Yet docker is just one evolutionary step in a long path of application deployment models. Way way back during pre-history computers were expensive and so much slower that CPU cycles were soooo expensive it made sense to cram as much services into a single server to minimize operating and capital costs. This was the era of mainframes, followed by minicomputers and later UNIX servers as relative hardware costs kept decreasing. Although the per-cycle cost decreased, for a very long time the tendency to run multiple services in a single server remained.
The widespread rollout of first server virtualization, then of “The Cloud”, allowed large servers to be splitted into smaller, discrete virtual machines. This made it feasible and later commonplace to run only a single service per virtual machine. This step is also crucial for later adoption of deployment automation as it allows each service to be equated with a machine, vastly simplifying problem resolution — there is no fear of hurting “other” services when rebooting (or re-creating) a one-service machine.
Docker is one step in this path of shrinking (relative) deployment footprints. Fundamentally it does not differ from a service-per-machine model as its containers have in practice similar isolation properties as earlier service-per-virtual-server model. In practice it is a major step: Virtual machine startup latency is anything from half a minute up while a docker container the startup time is in seconds to tens of seconds range. Other overheads such as memory and disk use are also reduced — for a single server these latencies and overheads would not matter much, but in the scope of cloud services with thousands of servers these seconds and gigabytes start to add up.
Service deployment speed has increased while the cost to run a service has simultanously decreased. (Images courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Clive Darra.)
Coincident to this evolution — or perhaps co-evolved — are microservices. Microservices in their core are services, but scaled down so that a single service performs only narrowly defined operations. User-visible services are in not monolithic services, but are created as a composite of multiple microservices orchestrated together. For example see netflix blog for discussion on how their business runs hundreds of services on thousands of machines. This development mirrors the service-in-a-machine trend by shrinking services providing further benefits for simplifying and speeding up deployments.
So, that’s the situation now. There is an architectural trend towards distributed, asynchronous, microservice-based systems. Simultaneously the environments these services are deployed into are becoming both more numerous, smaller in footprint, easier to automate and faster to deploy to.
Here’s a mind-bender for you. Ever heard of Erlang on Xen? Here’s a quote of what it can do:
“On average, only 49ms passes between two moments when the Ling guest kernel is entered and the first Erlang instruction is executed by the virtual machine.” (emphasis added)
Now …
<your thoughts here>
… your eyes skimming to this line took more than those 50 milliseconds. That is human-scale fast. Fast enough a human pushing a button would no longer detect if each button push was handled by a separately started Ling instance.
Where is this trend taking us?
- Towards more fine-grained service decomposition, and
- Smaller and simpler containers for services to run in
There are of course plenty of caveats. You can only go so far in decomposition and reductionism. There’s some lower limit for container size. They don’t matter overall — at least as arguments go — as we can use extrapolation from these to catch a a glimpse of a future — the future of µ²services — microservices to the second power.
µ²services are a logical conclusion of decreasing container size and decreasing deployment unit sizes.
Each µ²service is a pure function with no state running in a virtual machine that is alive only for the duration of the request to the µ²service.
Every invocation of a µ²service results in creation of a separate virtual machine1, created from scratch and torn down immediately after. This means the path of control flow differs between a “conventional” service and an µ²service — see the figure below.
Comparison of more conventional service implementation
(left) and µ²services (right) responding to a GET /
on a REST-styled service with multiple operation
On the left the request is first terminated by a load balancer or a reverse proxy on another machine. The application server receives the request and its dispatcher (path mapper) decides which routine to route the request. On a µ²service architecture the dispatcher (path mapper) spawns virtual machines which each runs only a single routine, and these virtual machines act as the endpoints of path routing.
This sounds stupid. <BLINK>Super stupid.</BLINK>
Creating a new virtual machine to separately process each request, alive only a for a few milliseconds seems, nay, is absurdly inefficient.
Yet … for the rest of this post I’ll walk you through for why I think this is not stupid, but instead at least a possible endpoint based on current trends. You’ll be the judge on how likely it is.
(I’ll go through some of the potential implications of µ²services from a technical viewpoint in a later post.)
There are different drivers and trends that are co-evolving together. The trend of shrinking containers requires automation to realize the benefit of speedier deployments. Microservice architectures and service decomposition trend provide a use case for smaller but more numerous containers and again, decoupling development teams again requires increased use of automation. Finally the introduction of functional into the mix is making the separation of state if not easier, at least cleaner. There is no clear head or tail in this mix — all of these trends are driving each other.
Multiple trends are co-evolving together with feedback cycles. Some concerns such as security are affecting these trends, but they are not as such affected themselves.
Throw security in too, as it favors separation of concerns and role-based access control, which are easier to implement in a loosely coupled, decomposed service with containers with clearly defined boundaries and lifetimes. All in all I think this will drive at least some services to the logical conclusion of:
- Minimal containers in both minimal complexity, minimum size and shortest possible lifetime
- Minimal fundamental service components, where the fundamental components have no state and separated from each other during run-time
Moving from service-per-container to a request-per-container essentially removes sharing. Even with stateless services there is an implicit request-to-request resource sharing of memory, disk, processor and network. Such sharing is a potential problem for security, performance and resource management. Running each request in an isolated, separate container offers several potential benefits:
- Increased security
- Increased flexibility
- Increased reliability
- Increased scalability
- Increased elasticity
- Increased efficiency
- Simplified resource management
All of this of course comes with a price to pay. Deployment automation is a must. Hands-on debugging becomes harder. Risk of unexpected emergent behavior increases. Pervasive service monitoring becomes critical.
Yet all of these costs have been paid many times over. They were paid when operations moved from many-services-per-server model to a service-per-server model. To distributed services running on many servers. To virtual servers with ephemeral lifetimes. To having no servers at all, with the code just “running out there”. Concurrently new methods were developed to deploy, monitor and debug.
Thus my argument is that there are environments where the cost of following µ²services model will be outweighted by the benefits it provides. Not in all — most likely only in a minority, but in some.
What is unclear is whether these benefits outweigh the investment cost of developing all the required technology, practices and learning to use it in the first place. Will there be enough motivation to actually realize it? Unknown. As I said, this is a possible future. Computing history is littered with technologies that could have become dominant, but did not.
Replace “virtual machine” with “container” if you will. I’d guess something else entirely, but what? Something in between those two? ↩
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